# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler MGMT Şarkıları

Siberian Breaks
Song For Dan Treacy
Love Always Remains
Time to Pretend
The Handshake
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Flash Delirium Şarkı Sözü


Mild apprehension
Blank dreams of the coming fun
Distort the odds of a turnaround
Gut screams out next to none

So turn it on, tune it in
And stay inert

You say, "I've got the backbone"
The back way to escape the gun
Climbing a tree with a missing limb
And not saving anyone

And now it hurts to stay at home
And see flash

The mirror ball's throwing mold
You can't get a grip if there's nothing to hold
See the flash catch a white lily laugh and wilt
But if you must smash a glass first fill it to the hilt

Plants, as far as I know are still
Still bending toward the light
And if we dance until the heart explodes
It'll make this place ignite

And even if this hall collapses
I can stand by my pillar of hope
It's just a case of flash delirium

Here's a growing culture deep inside a corpse
Ages stuck together taking it to the source
Timeless desperation, pictures on a screen scream
"Hey people, what does it mean?"

Comfort keeps us nice
So quick to donate everything
Die wolken drifting
Blinding, smiling circling

And time's tingling spines
Attaching hands to floor
The rosy-tinted flash

The hot dog's getting cold
And you'll never be as good as the Rolling Stones
Watch the birds in the airport gathering dirt
Crowd the clean magazine, chick lifting up her skirt

Lines when I close my eyes and just
Aim blindly at the sun and hear love
When the ghosts start singing
Terrorizing everyone

Geometric troops aligning
Carried up to the burial mounds with gold
It's a heavy [Incomprehensible] but your
You rhythm makes it light and explode

Like a violent star keeps threatening the night
Even if this hall collapses
I can stand by my pillar of hope and trust
That our heads won't bust

1655 red battleships
40 earth like planets
3 holes 2 tits, 1 fork in it's side
Zero tears in their eyes

Sue the spiders
Sink the Woelsh
Stab your Facebook
Sell sell sell
Undercooked, overdone

Mass adulation not so funny
Poisoned honey
Pseudo science, silly money
You're my honey



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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